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Welcome to Dream Job Journey!

Are you wondering how to choose a career as a teenager?


Then you’ve come to the right place! Choosing a career can be overwhelming—how can you possibly decide between all the options? What if you choose a job you end up hating?


At the Dream Job Journey, we answer those questions and more so you can choose a career that suits your personality type and provides you with the lifestyle you want.


So stop freaking out about what you’re going to do with the rest of your life! Discover ideal careers for your personality type, learn how to define your desired lifestyle, and identify the true job of your dreams.


“Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

          -Grady Moon (and several other more famous people)

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Only 27.3% of college graduates have a job related to their major.


The other 72.7% work in a job unrelated to the degree they spent four years and tens of thousands of dollars earning.


Burdened with crippling sums of student loan debt, this majority of college graduates spend the next ten to thirty years paying off that debt while not even using the information it got them.


Dream Job Journey’s mission is to help teens and young adults find their true dream job by gaining a thorough understanding of their personality type and desired lifestyle so they can pursue a career that will actually love when they finally achieve it.


By doing so, we will also save people from bondage to insurmountable unnecessary debt for decades to come and enable them to spend their life doing more things they enjoy.

© 2023 by Dream Job Journey

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